4 ways our Social Media Calendar can boost your performance

Content Manager
Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Does your business create a social content plan to organise your channels and ensure that your posts are aligned with your business goals? If so, are you using a Social Media Calendar when doing so?

Now more than ever, social media is an integral method of boosting your overall performance, especially with 45 million active users across the social networks – that’s 66% of the population. So how can you utilise a Social Media Calendar to boost your performance?

It’s the new norm for businesses to use social media to advertise their product or service to both their target audience and a wider demographic. 

If your business requires fresh content ideas or you’re not seeing the performance results you want, then here are 4 ways our Social Media Calendar can fuel your content strategy:

1. Create shareable content with trending topics

With there being so much competition within the market, social media gives your business the opportunity to showcase something unique and creative to stand out against the competition. This is where trending topics can come into play. 

Trends allow us to understand the direction in which something is developing and showing your audience that you’re aware of this can reinforce your brand’s credibility. As trends often increase the shareability of your posts, this can help your brand reach new and existing audiences, and enhance social media engagement.

You can plan specialised content and campaigns that work around your business by using our Social Media Calendar to keep track of upcoming days and events. 

2. Give your brand a personality 

Innocent, Nike, and Oreo are among the many big-name brands that excel at social media inventiveness. 

There is a growing desire for audiences to engage with businesses.. When a company has a distinct brand personality, it can establish a strong bond with its customers.

Giving your company a voice, creating a story, and sticking to your core values are all crucial factors to consider when establishing the perfect personality for your brand. Companies must keep track of customer feedback in order to progress as this allows for the relationship between the brand and consumer to develop and move in the right direction. 

Using our Social Media Calendar to incorporate social awareness days will not only add personality to your content plan, but it will also mix up the diversity of your content so that there is an equal balance of sales-driven content and fun, creative posts.

3. Consistency is key


In the world of social media, consistency is key. If you want to stay on your audience’s radar, you must maintain a consistent posting schedule. If you post less frequently, your customers are more likely to forget about your product or service, as opposed to a company with a regular content schedule. 

You may strengthen your relationships with your followers and establish a feeling of community by using our Social Media Calendar to come up with social ideas to post consistently across your social profiles. This is due to the fact that consistent posting helps viewers to know exactly what to expect from your business, increasing the likelihood of them returning.

4. Establish your brand as an authority 

Thanks to a significant shift in how we consume information on social media, many people turn to the brands they use to seek guidance, with a staggering 81% of consumers admitting to needing to trust a brand before buying from them.  

Posting about major days and events will demonstrate your company’s knowledge and competence in the sector. As a result, your authority in the eyes of your audience grows, and your brand is perceived as a legitimate and trustworthy provider. Your company will become the go-to source for industry knowledge if you utilise our Social Media Calendar to announce crucial dates and events.

Be inspired by our Social Media Calendar 

If you’re lacking creative ideas, then take some inspiration from our Social Media Calendar to help you to inject a creative personality into your brand, stand-out against competition, and become a relatable brand to your customers.
